It’s time to look ahead and consider asking for items you have not stored yet - as gifts. Spices are expensive and would be great stocking stuffers. Cheese is one of my favorite things and there are so many great varieties that would be a very welcome gift. Ingredients for a few favorite desserts would be amazing to receive, what about desserts in a jar! (See Cookies In a Jar on the Articles page for recipes and directions.)
Food - Week 45: Sugar
Remember this is food storage and that includes ingredients to make all our favorite foods.
Add 10 pounds of sugar per family member this week. Soon you will begin your holiday baking and you will use sugar so be sure to keep this sugar separate or replace it immediately. If you do lots of baking throughout the year double or triple this amount. Sugar will never be less expensive than it is right now and it has a 20 year shelf life when stored properly.