Week 12 March 25
Make it Monday:
Did you know you can use tea lights and muffin tin to cook?
To use tea lights and a muffin tin for cooking place the muffin tin on a nonflammable surface.
Place the pot you will be using on the muffin tin to determine the number of openings it will cover.
Place a tea light in the appropriate number of cups according to the size of your pot.
Be sure to leave room for air to get to the tea light.
Add food you need to warm or cook to your pot.
Light the tea lights.
Place the pot over the tea lights, place the lid on top, and cook or heat to the desired temperature or doneness.
Muffin tin will get hot so be careful.
If you do not have a supply of tea lights purchase some now.
Compile a list of handicapped or elderly neighbors who may need help evacuating during an emergency. Create a list of their phone numbers and contact information of their family members. During an evacuation, their own family may not be able to get in to help. You will now have the information you need to contact and reassure the neighbors' family members that their loved ones are being taken care of and where they are being evacuated.
Call the city and/or county and ask them about the location of shelters in your area. Ask about restrictions. evacuatedTake time now, long before it’s needed, to check with local officials to determine what will and will not be allowed in your area shelters. The following may not be allowed:
• Alcoholic beverages.
• Pets (in some areas, this rule is changing), and guide dogs are always allowed. If pets are not allowed leave with a friend or pet rescue group. Do not leave pets at home.
• Illegal drugs, even if you are using them for medical purposes. Even in states where certain drugs are legal, they may not be allowed in a shelter or cooling center.
• Weapons, including some knives.
• Extra food other than special dietary needs. The food in your Five-Day kit is fine to bring.
• Valuables. There will be no place to store jewelry, valuable papers, or large amounts of money. Again, anything in your kit will be fine - just be careful and definitely do not “advertise” that you have anything of value. Do not access money in front of anyone.
Copy this list and add to your binder. The list is already in your Totally Ready Binder.
1. Have you examined your homeowner’s insurance policy?
2. Have you requested the long form of your homeowner’s insurance not only the two or three-page version.
3. Have you copied all your auto, homeowners, health, and other insurances and added them to your Five-Day kits, and mailed them to your Out-of-Area Contact?
Going to a Shelter or Cooling Center What To Take
· Five Day Kits.
· Sleeping bags.
· Pillows.
· If pets are allowed be sure to take a cage and food plus food and water dishes.
· Medications.
· Toilet paper.
· Water.
· Special needs foods.
· Baby supplies.
· Cots.
· Battery-operated flashlight and glow sticks.
· Battery-operated radio.
· Cell phone charger.
· Extra batteries.
· Coats and rain gear.
· Change of clothing.
· Sturdy shoes.
· Books and games to pass the time. Do not take toys that beep and make noise.
· Most importantly, a positive attitude.
Gather your family in the kitchen. Ask every member to list every item in their bedroom.
Next move on to the family room and any other rooms used by everyone, even the bathrooms. You will use these lists next week. Move into the family room before making the kitchen list.